Tuesday 19 June 2007

First use of term Business Process Outsourcing/BPO

19th June 07
First use of term Business Process Outsourcing/BPO
Thanks for the many responses to my query below about the first use of the term BPO. The current 'earliest' quote is from an IDC report published on 23rd Nov 1993. You can read it here http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3311/is_n1-2_v29/ai_14904765

"Business process outsourcing is a growth segment with no discernible limitation" it states!

Frank Jones, who headed outsourcing at Sema in the 1990s, wrote to say that he believed that Sema's "BPO" deal with the DWP (then DSS) signed in 1995/96 was, at £450m, the biggest at the time. However, he also made the point that they called outsourcing "FM" until well into the 1990s.

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