Sunday, 1 February 2009

Mike Lynch

(By Richard Holway) Excellent interview with Mike Lynch of Autonomy in the Sunday Times - The company at the heart of a new data revolution. Readers must have guessed by now that I am quite a fan of Autonomy (best performing share in Holway's portfolio in 2008) and Mike Lynch in particular. Given his position as the UK's leading software entrepreneur, he's remarkably 'unassuming'. Bluntly a 'really nice guy'. I've know him for years and the only thing I have against him is that he got the BBC NED job that I so coveted a couple of years back.

Autonomy really is 'in the right place at the right time'. As Mike was heard to say recently "I feel like an undertaker during the Black Death". Given that Lynch admits in the interview that the one thing Autonomy's unstructured search engine can't understand is British sarcasm, I wonder what it would make of that bit of typically British black humour?

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